Bullying doesn’t make you cool it is just mean and harmful.
What is bullying?
There are several ways bullying occurs.
Verbal: name-calling, teasing, spreading rumors
Physical: hitting, punching, shoving, kicking
Cyber bullying: using the Internet, mobile phones or other digital technologies to harm others
Graffiti is not art. It is vandalism.
What is Graffiti?
Graffiti is any unauthorized marking such as an initial, slogan, or drawing, written, spray-painted, or sketched on public or private property such as on a lamp post, wall of a building. Not all graffiti is gang related, but all graffiti is vandalism.
Bringing Weapons to School doesn’t make you cool.
According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the second leading cause of death from 2002-2003, for youth ages 15-24, was homicide.
Just remember if you take a life away even by accident you cannot bring that person back.
Gangs are not your family they are your demise
What is a Gang?
Colorado Revised Statute 17-1-109(2)(b) defines a GANG as :
“… a group of 3 or more individuals with a common interest, bond, or activity characterized by criminal or delinquent conduct engaged in either collectively or individually.”
Drugs are not the solution they are a faulty escape.
Of course not every drug will kill you after the first time of use, nor will you become addicted immediately with all types of drugs. The thing to remember with drugs is you are no longer in control! Anytime you are using drugs you lose the capability to think and react to situations clearly.
Not every time will call for you to think clearly, but what about the day you are babysitting your younger sibling and are so high they get seriously injured and you are too impaired to help.
Rethink your choice of drink.
Alcohol is one of the number one promoters for violence, sex assault, and fatal car accidents.
How Alcohol Effects Your Body
Alcohol first acts as a stimulant, and then it makes people feel relaxed and a bit sleepy.
Even moderate amounts of alcohol consumption seriously affect judgment and coordination. Drinkers may become confused, depressed, and have slow reaction times.
Drinking a lot in a short period of time may cause alcohol poisoning.